Friday Five 16/01/15 (Friday Eleven!)

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by BattleMum (, whom I follow on Twitter @Battle_Mum. Thank you for the nomination. Why not visit her blog via the link and give her a follow on Twitter too!

Before the notification popped up on my Twitter feed I’d never heard of the Liebster Award, possibly as I’m quite new to this here blogging thing! However, I’m willing and able to complete my nomination, and pass it on.

The rules of Liebster Award are:

Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.

    1. Display the Liebster Award badge on your blog – the best way to do this is to save the image to your computer and upload to your post
    2. Answer 11 questions about yourself which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you (see below for my answers)
    3. Provide 11 random facts about yourself
    4. Nominate 5 to 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award and who have less than 200 followers
    5. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer

List these rules in your post and once you have written and published it, you must inform the people/blogs that you nominate that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award and provide a link to your post so that they can learn all about it. The easiest way seems to be through Twitter. Like me, they may not have heard of it before their nomination, so make sure these instructions are followed through!


Below are my answers to those asked of BattleMum and my questions too. Hope you enjoy!

  1. When did you start blogging and why?

I have blogged on and off for the past few years about different subjects and topics, but I started my current blog Mum, Writing. just before Christmas 2014. It was a stupid time to start blogging as I quickly fell behind schedule on posting so I resumed blogging with purpose and passion in January of this year after the holidays. I guess the long term answer to ‘Why?’ is because I have a dream to write a novel and blogging helps to keep my writing fresh, give me new ideas and thoughts, and build something of an audience while I do it.

2. What is your earliest childhood memory?

I’m not sure it’s my earliest, but I very distinctly remember my first day school and being allowed to just play with Playmobil. I think I cried on the way in but I’m not sure. I know there were many days after that where I gave my parents grief by crying before school!

3. What is your favourite tv programme of all time and why?

Of all time? Friends. More recently, me and the husband have getting into more serious stuff like Homeland and The Blacklist, but I love sitcoms and of all the sitcoms in the world, Friends beats every single one for me.

4. If you could be an animal, what would you be?

I have to admit I’m not a big animal lover. But if I had to choose, I’d probably choose a cat, just because they’re pretty lazy.

5. What are your interests/hobbies?

Writing, obviously. I love reading too and was recently bought a Kindle, although I do love a real book! And probably spending time with friends and family, having a cup of tea and chatting. I’m pretty boring really!

6. How much time do you/can you dedicate to your blog?

I try to stick to a schedule of posting three times a week. This may change when N#2 makes his appearance in April! Either that, or I’ll have to be super organised to schedule posts in advance so that I don’t miss one whilst giving birth!!

7. What is your favourite food dish (pick only one dish) and say why?

Pasta. I grew up eating it and my kids will too. Any type will do!

8. Who do you look up to in life?

My parents. Happily married for over 30 years even though they have completely separate interests, and still making each other happy every day. They’re my inspiration!

9. Are you organised or disorganised?

Disorganised. I’ve posted about this on my blog, but I have a few things I try to do every day in order to keep my house somewhat tidy because if I didn’t do those we might end up living in squalor!

10. What is your favourite blog piece you have written (provide a link to it)?

My writing on how I “sleep trained” (or whatever you want to call it!) N#1. Not because of the subject, I just think it’s good writing of mine! You can find Part One here:

11. Name three things on your bucket list!

My lifetime bucket list? To own a different house (slightly bigger, slightly better!) To write a novel and have it published. And to take my kids to Orlando.

11 Random Facts about Me:

  1. I was born in my parents’ living room.
  2. I love Christmas.
  3. I don’t currently drive.
  4. When I was little, I wanted to be a postwoman.
  5. I have never been a member of a gym.
  6. I’ve never been to Ireland, even though I live in the UK.
  7. I love daytime naps.
  8. Love to cook, hate to bake.
  9. I would love to see the Northern Lights.
  10. I can’t swim.
  11. I always wanted three children. Then I had one and realised what it was like!

I would like to nominate the following people:

1. GlengormleyMum @GlengormleyMum

2. Mummy MD @MummyMD

3. Zoe Dunn @abeautifulabode

4. Carry On Katy @carry_on_katy

5. Go Mama Go @GoMamaGo_co_uk

My apologies if someone has received a double nomination or has more than 200 followers, it was hard to find people who are just starting out like myself 🙂

My questions to you are:

  1. When did you start blogging and why?
  2. What is your favourite smell?
  3. How many hours of sleep do you get per night?
  4. Morning person or night person?
  5. What’s the most inspirational quote you’ve ever heard?
  6. Do you believe in God?
  7. What’s your favourite poem?
  8. Who do you look up to the most in life?
  9. Best film of all time?
  10. One beverage you couldn’t live without?
  11. What do you hope to have achieved in five years time?

I hope you all enjoy answering the questions and nominating other new bloggers. I look forward to reading yours and learning more about you, and also finding some new blogs to read and follow.



Thanks for reading and finding out a bit more about me! You can find me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

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