2015 Bucket List

/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/7f3/80695666/files/2015/01/img_2809.jpgI hate New Years Resolutions. The name sounds daft and I always want to make them but never stick to them. They don’t suit me. I refuse to make them any more.

Having said that… this year, during our quiet New Year in, my husband and I decided to create Bucket Lists for the year 2015. Now, in all honesty, it’s pretty much the same as resolutions but with a different name. Maybe the name change will help me to keep to them? And the thought that I have 12 months to get around to them all rather than start them all straight away IS appealing. So… Here is my 2015 Bucket List:

~ Be back to my pre-baby weight by the end of the year (that’s 9 1/2st – pre-second-baby weight, but I don’t think any more than that would be healthy for me.)
~ Block out time for writing and stick to it (maybe use a planner, maybe have a target word count per week/month?)
~ Blog more. Get regular, scheduled posts going up every week and don’t let it become sidetracked by other things!
~ Get the house valued with a view to starting to look for our “forever home”.
~ Make time for a girls night with friends at least once a month. With another baby boy on the way, I feel girl time will become precious and I don’t want to let it slide because I’m trying to be a “rough and tumble” mum to boys. I’m not “rough and tumble”, I never will be, and I need to make sure I keep my girly side 🙂

So… Will I stick to them? I hope so. Will you help keep me accountable? I hope so! Especially on the blogging – I’ll be back tomorrow with my Friday Five.

Thanks to those of you that have been still be reading even while I’ve been enjoying the festive period and not posting. Stick with me now, I need all the help, comments, constructive criticism, shares and likes I can get!!

Happy New Year!

P.S. If you haven’t already, you should check out this post:

Beauty at Midnight
A reminder that wherever you are in “mommyhood,” it is beautiful. Your life is beautiful.

Beauty at Midnight

Happy New Year to all the Mums out these especially!

4 thoughts on “2015 Bucket List

  1. This is a great bucket list! I have three little boys and it’s grand. Congrats! And for writing I did a challenge from Jeff Goins to write 500 words a day for a month. I wrote 500 words a day for almost three months straight last year and then caved to pregnancy exhaustion. But I still wrote 500 words on a semi-regular basis and wrote way more than I would have without that. It was great for blog content and just general reminders about the year. Good luck! (I actually made a separate notebook in Evernote and it counted words for me and kept all the content together.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your story! 500 words a day seems reasonable to start out with – i dont want to overwhelm myself and fall behind straight away!! Thanks for commenting 🙂


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